About PurpleHeroes

A part of our hearts in every piece we make
This Remembrance Day, we will honor and remember the animals that have given their lives in times of war.
Dogs and horses have both play significant roles in aiding soldiers during World Wars 1 and 2. More than 2.5 million horses were injured during World War 1 and another 8 million killed transporting soldiers, arms, and supplies into battle. Dogs have also played a significant role in wartimes in past wars and in our modern-day. Dogs have assisted humans with a bomb, landmine and gas detection, soldier and civilian rescue, and message delivery. Dogs were trained to jump from airplanes and parachute behind enemy lines and jump from buildings. Other species recognized include carrier pigeons trained to deliver messages over 1000’s miles in difficult weather conditions, rats sent into tunnels to detect poisonous gases, and even donkeys, reindeer, and elephants who carried heavy loads. Cats also carried messages around their necks into war zones and kept rats from infesting warships.

We Give Back

We do this to give back to the community and share the love that we have with the world. With so many people and animals in need today, this is just a small way to encourage customers to get on board with lending a helping hand to others.

With every sale we make, we donate part of the proceeds to locally registered charities to continue their good work.

We Are Here To Help

Whether you are a local charity looking for support or in need of badge ideas on your own, we are here to help in any way we can.

You can reach out to our dedicated team through our website and we will be happy to assist you!